Thursday, 4 November 2010

Unit 208 theme 1 -Lovely Lathkill Dale.

I chose to go to Lathkill Dale for its picturesque scenery ,there is water ,waterfalls and a long walk in the middle of nowhere ,so health and safety is paramount .On this trip I took my mother ,no tripod as I haven't got one ,a camera bag , spare charged batteries ,lens cloth ,extra XD cards , brolly and phone .We kept to the path way at all times .

Cascading water.
ISO  200  1/125  3.2
I love the water cascading down the steps of the waterfall ,the water here is so clear and further up the river the the water disappears under ground from time to time. 

Run Dry.
ISO 100    1/30    3.5 
 In this shot the river has gone to ground  ,last time I saw this view the river was at the top of this gate. I shot this image in black and white because this gate and its features are old and I thought it would look more authentic. Although there is no color in the photo you can still see the texture of the leaves and the wooden gate. The blur to the right of the photo is a tree ,I should of moved the camera more to avoid this or even add the tree in, it wouldn't of hurt, this again would of added more texture and depth of field. 
 Wooden Bridge.
ISO 200  1/30   3.2
This bridge is over the dry river bed ,I like the shape of the bridge from this angle, it leads the eye to the other side. I like the tonal range of the trees in the back-ground and leaves on the tree that boughs over the bridge also the texture of those leaves on the floor .

Fighting Through .
ISO 200   1/320  5.6
In this shot I climbed down to the river bed  which luckily was not flowing  fully across .The water was fighting its way through a build-up of leaf ,stick and mud debris as autumn begins to turn. There is texture and lovely rich colors in the moss and fallen leaves and silver tones in the flowing water. 

Wispy  Sky
ISO 200   1/160  5.6
I love the clouds in these wispy sky photos which show beautifully against the bright  blue color of the sky. There is texture in the stone in the fore-ground and shape in the trees in the mid-ground and the color in sky in the back-ground , so the rule of thirds applies.  
Wispy sky 2
ISO200   1/250   5.6
The sky looks like its been painted with fine brush strokes. again texture ,shape and color.

 Piece- full  River Lathkill.
ISO  200   1/40     8 
This picture is one of the first you see after turning off Conksbury bridge on to the path next to the river. In this shot I walked onto a wall that passes through the water to the middle of the river I checked that it was not slippery first and got as low as I dare so as not to fall , my mother was stood at the edge with my bag . I like the reflection of the trees and sky the dark green color and the texture of the stones and mosses on the right ,the skys reflection on the water acts as visual path that leads your eye up the river.
Wispy sky 3
ISO 200   1/320   5.6
A little different to the other wispy sky photos ,taken very low to the ground  ,but still  a beautiful blue colored sky and texture from the glass.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Your use of the low horizon line can lead to some very interesting viewpoints and likewise if it is set high in the image. Look at how you can use this to emphasise different areas to force people to look at your images in a certain way.

